Dyachenko Vasily Vsevolodovich

Dyachenko Vasily Vsevolodovich

Dyachenko Vasily Vsevolodovich

My profile

The group of Kyiv scientists who have developed the spectral dynamic device "KSD" is headed by one of the most experienced surgeons in the country, Professor Vasily Vsevolodovich Dyachenko, a person who worked at Kyiv A.A. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology for about 40 years from the moment of its creation. Vasily Vsevolodovich was born in 1947 in the family of a rural paramedic practitioner. Apparently, the frantic work of his father, who had to fulfil the duties of different kinds of specialists which sweepingly included a therapist, a cardiologist, a gynaecologist, a surgeon, a dentist instilled a love for people and a desire to rely only on himself in all situations, and help them. But this was preceded by the work of a steel fitter, service in the army, study at Leningrad S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy and Kyiv A.A. Bogomolets Medical Institute he graduated from in 1974. In 1979 he passed Ph.D. defense and his doctoral dissertation only in 2003 since he believed that a doctor of sciences should be a surgeon capable of solving any surgical problems on his own. He became a professor in 2005. In 1993, he was one of the first surgeons in Ukraine to master and implement the technique of laparoscopic surgery. He independently performed more than 3000 laparoscopic procedures on the abdominal organs and for the first time in Ukraine, together with Boris Todurov (a famous cardiac surgeon), performed thoracoscopic clipping of the Batal duct in children.

About the device

The idea of creating a device that could diagnose, carry out treatment and have feedback, i.e. to see the results of treatment came into being in 1994. A group of enthusiasts was organized with whom, first, a prototype was made, and then the KSD device itself. The device is designed to help experienced doctors diagnose and treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonology, gynaecology, andrology, diseases of the endocrine system, ENT organs, cardiology, neurology, treatment of allergic reactions, etc. With the help of the device, it is possible to select medicines (this also includes homoeopathic medicines, Heel group medicines and nutritional supplementы) that are suitable only for this patient.

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