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Urethritis is an inflammatory process in the wall of the urinary tract (urethra). The disease is caused by various viruses and bacteria - ureaplasma, gonococcus, chlamydia, streptococcus, mycoplasma, staphylococcus, fungi and Escherichia coli. This is a very common urological disease that affects both men and women. The nature of urethritis is varied. Urethritis mainly appears after sexual intercourse. If the infection occurred a long time ago and a person is a carrier of the infection, then the disease can manifest itself at any time. The chronic process is characterized by a latent course, unstable remission and a change of exacerbations. Chronic urethritis is dangerous with a high risk of complications.


With the KSD device, there is a possibility of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of a disease urethritis!


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