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Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. This system is responsible for maintaining internal balance in the human body, influencing all organs and organ systems. Disorders of the autonomic nervous system most often occur in the form of violations of the function of blood circulation, digestion, and thermal exchange. In adults, the prevalence of the syndrome is high in the age group of 20-30 year-olds, while in women, dystonia occurrence is more frequent than in men. In old age, the likelihood of its appearance decreases sharply. In the case of vegetovascular dystonia, the symptoms are very diverse, due to the multifaceted ANS effect on the body, which regulates the main autonomic functions - respiration, blood supply, sweating, urination, digestion, etc.

Vegetovascular dystonia

With the KSD device, there is a possibility of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of a disease vegetovascular dystonia!


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